Thanks to online payment, you can immediately confirm your reservation.
We are not always there. Please call or text us about your estimated arrival time.
Directions by car:
Access from ul. Parkowa - Dom Artysty cannot be reached from ul. Lompy.
You should drive along Parkowa Street until the end, until you reach the "Swan Pond"/ Upper Pond. Ignore the "dead-end street" sign along the way
Directions by public transport:
Nearest stops
Bus: Głuchołazy ul. Lompy/hospital
Walk downhill or by car a little further, around the hospital.
Train/bus: Głuchołazy City (2 km)
Go to the spa part of the city - Głuchołazy Zdrój, ul. Jana Pawła II and then ul. Parkowa.
Do you like painted furniture? This is the room for you - the original painted Bavarian wardrobe will accommodate a lot, and in the painted green bed you will dream only positive dreams.
06 January02 March |
from 154.92 zł / day |
02 March17 April |
from 202.50 zł / day |
17 April21 April |
from 253.13 zł / day |
21 April30 April |
from 202.50 zł / day |
30 April04 May |
from 253.13 zł / day |
04 May27 June |
from 202.50 zł / day |
27 June31 August |
from 230.00 zł / day |
31 August07 November |
from 202.50 zł / day |
07 November11 November |
from 253.13 zł / day |
11 November22 December |
from 202.50 zł / day |
22 December06 January |
from 253.13 zł / day |
Pokój dwuosobowy na I piętrze wyposażony w dębowe 100-letnie meble, które przeniosą Was w klimat śląskiej wiejskiej sielanki dzieciństwa. Pokój dwuosobowy z 2 pojedynczymi łóżkami oraz łazienką z prysznicem.
Single room with a large bed and a bathroom with a shower on the first floor, overlooking the meadow and forest.
Double room with 2 single beds and a bathroom with shower, on the first floor, overlooking the meadow and forest.